Stone Monastery – the paradise of waterfalls

This place located in the Aragon region, is truly unheard of. The region of Aragon is an arid and dry area but curiously we find this wonder of nature that is really spectacular and worth visiting. Being a natural place, it is ideal to visit with children, who will be surprised by the greatness of the waterfalls and the shapes of the stones that they will be able to observe there. The Stone Monastery was declared a National Monument in February 1983 and as a Historical Garden on January 27, 2010.

Located in an old Cistercian monastery in the municipality of Nuévalos in the Comarca de Calatayud, in Aragon.

The park is approximately five kilometers long, so it is advisable to wear comfortable shoes since the roads are dirt. The best time to visit it is in May since it is when the Piedra River is at its most abundant, but in any month we will continue to enjoy the spectacle that nature offers us in the same way.

Each waterfall or group of waterfalls has a name as is the first one that we will find there called Diana’s Bath.

Diana’s Bath

We can even cross bridges where we can see the waterfalls from above and below. There are also paths inside caves where the waterfall will pass over us.

Los Fresnos Altos

If you want the whole family to enjoy it, without a doubt this place is perfect to spend the whole day. In the same park they make an exhibition of birds of prey and if it is your wish, the entrance includes a guided visit.

Here we leave you one more image of another of the places that you can glimpse in the Stone Monastery.

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