Learn to swim – an essential and necessary skill

Learn to swim should be a priority for all families. This skill plays a vital role in avoiding and preventing possible drowning, which is one of the main causes of death among children.

If we ask ourselves what is the advisable age to start learning to swim, we have to understand that children have different rhythms and not all are prepared at a specific age. There are babies, children who are confident to start when they are months old, and others who need much more time.

Based on the advice offered by the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), their recommendation is that learning begin from one year of age.

If we ask ourselves if it is advisable for babies to take swimming lessons, the answer is no, although it is very different in the case that parents and their baby jointly enroll in classes so that the baby begins to feel comfortable in Water.

Classes in which parents and children interact also offer an added benefit by creating family ties and being a unique moment of enjoyment for the child and parent.

From the year on, it will be when they are ready to learn how to float, splash and kick the water, preventing them from becoming afraid of the water.

It will be from the age of four when children are ready to start swimming lessons and will be able to learn to move forward and look for exit points.

It must be taken into account that swimming classes do not make children infallible against drowning and that is why it is essential that they are always accompanied by an adult when bathing or when they are close to any surface with water.

Minors must count on continuous adult supervision.

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