4 Terrifying recipes to celebrate Halloween with children

Some possible recipes at breakfast, lunch or dinner can become terrifying recipes to celebrate Halloween with children.

Halloween is coming and in addition to celebrating the long-awaited Halloween night, we can make sure that throughout the day, everything is set on that fantastic night and I’m not talking about decorations. Do we start from the morning so that the children’s smiles are ear to ear?

We are going to propose four very simple and horrifying recipes, so that you can prepare them during that special day.

Monster pasta

As simple as these original recipes, in which you can develop your imagination yourself.

In this case, it is pasta of a different color than usual, with tomato, mozzarella slices and black olives simulating eyes. Who can resist?

Mummified hot dogs

For these hot dogs we will need a puff pastry sheet, sausages, black olives, egg and ketchup.

To prepare the puff pastry, we will preheat the oven to 180ºC. We will stretch the puff pastry on a table with dusted flour and we will leave it not too thick.

We will cut strips of a centimeter wide and we will wrap the sausages in the strips with irregular shapes, leaving a hole for the eyes.

We will beat the egg and with a brush we will paint the puff pastry. Bake at 200ºC for approximately 15 minutes, with oven air temperature up and down.

Remove and let cool so that the dough is consistent. Then decorate the eyes with pieces of mozzarella and black olives. Finally sprinkle with ketchup. Funny right?

Jagged apples

We are going with a dessert that will surprise you. The ingredients would be 6 green apples, 75 grams of jam (strawberry or peach), peeled sunflower seeds, sweet sugar clouds, chocolate drops.

Preparation: Cut the apples in half and then into quarters. To make the mouth, make a wedge-shaped cut over each quarter of an apple so that it looks like the image. Paint the inside of the “mouth” with a brush impregnated with lemon juice. Add the jam and nail the pipes like teeth.

Cut the clouds to make the eyes with the shape you want, stick them with a toothpick. For the inside of the eyes, put the chocolate drops in the microwave for about 35 seconds and let it rest.

With the piece of cloud, flatten it on the rounded shape of the chocolate eye. Then stick the toothpick in the apple.

You can also make variants for example with laminated strawberries that would make a protruding tongue. They are going to love it!

Spider eggs

This recipe will take only 20 minutes, it is delicious and you will love it.

Ingredients: eggs, tuna, mayonnaise, black olives, tomato, salt and pepper.

Preparation: Cook the eggs in a saucepan with plenty of water. Once cooled, we peel them and remove the yolks. Mix to form the filling, the egg yolk, the tuna and the mayonnaise.

We take the black olives and cut them in a circle for the body and strips for the legs. We place the filling and decorate. At the end with the tomato we decorate it a little so that it looks like blood.

You already have 4 terrifying dishes to celebrate Halloween with children. Do you dare to “scare” them?

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