Valencia with the family – A place full of attractions

Surely, this summer you will consider where to surprise your family for a trip to everyone’s taste. If this is the case, you cannot miss visiting Valencia as a family, which apart from being a beautiful city, treasures many attractions to enjoy with the little ones in the house.

We are going to show you some of the many attractions that will be a delight for the whole family.

Bioparc Zoo

Bioparc is one of the best animal parks in the world, and you can visit it for two hours if you go slowly. In this park of animals their natural habitat is recreated with multi-species enclosures and the feeling is as if one were in the original places of spices such as the Savannah.



The largest aquarium in Europe is located in Valencia, and it reproduces the most important marine ecosystems. The feeling when you enter and see yourself surrounded by water and great aquatic animals on all sides, is impressive.


Gulliver Park

In the Turia gardens, young and old alike will be able to live an adventure while climbing a Gulliver that is tied to the ground by the Lilliputians. A fun park for everyone.

Gulliver Park

Fallas museum

To understand the Fallas culture, which as we know is a festival known worldwide, you can visit the Fallas Museum, where the pardoned ninots are found, as well as other objects related to the Fallas festival.

Fallas in Valencia

Valencian paella

Tasting a Valencian paella after a day full of emotions is an exquisite pleasure that the palates should not miss.

Valencian paella

This brief review of some of the activities to do in Valencia as a family, without forgetting its climate and its beaches, such as the urban beaches of Las Arenas or Malvarrosa, or the wild ones such as Pinedo, L’Arbre del Gos, El Saler, la Garrofera, la Devesa or El Perellonet.

It is a city with as many plans as reasons to return

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