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Magic, an illusion machine for children

Magic, for many adults but especially for children, is an illusion machine that creates a very special glow.

The astonishment and surprise of seeing an object disappear amazes them even though they know it is a trick.

This machine of illusions is a stimulus that serves to preserve the dream that everything is possible. Spark the imagination, creating worlds without impossibilities.

When do they begin to doubt that it is possible?

From the age of four, it is when children begin to suspect that there may be some trick behind the magic. Even so, the magic shows will make them resurface that spark of wonder, and they will once again believe in the impossible.

Teaching children magic tricks

We are going to suggest some magic tricks that you can teach children, so that they can be the magicians for once. This will make them have creativity, confidence and memory to be able to execute them.

  • Floating Cup Trick: In this trick they will make a plastic cup fly. To do this, we will make a hole in the back of the glass so that the child can insert one of his fingers, and this will serve as a support.
  • Disappearing candies. This trick requires a couple of plastic plates and some candy. They must be candies with a smooth surface because to make them disappear we are going to stick them with double-sided tape to one of the plates. Being stuck to one of the plates, if you turn it you will not see them because they will be upside down.
  • Slot cup. The trick is to place a circular cardboard cover of the same color as the one that we will use as a support “tablecloth”, it will be exactly the same color. You already know what to do. It is simply to cover the glass with a cloth once you place the coin on the cardboard support, and passing the glass over it will cover the coin… by magic.

We suggest that you search online on youtube for more simple tricks so that children are the magicians this time. You will see that they will love it and it will also be an opportunity to spend a fantastic afternoon or a way to surprise the rest of the family.

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